“How much should I purchase?”
First time trying A5…
How much wagyu is enough? (never enough…?) This may surprise you, but we’ll dive right in because this is not a commonly covered topic. In fact, most pictures suggest higher BMS (12 out of 12) is somehow better than 8, 9, or even A4 (6, 7)
In Japan, most of the Wagyu I’ve eaten in the top Yakiniku and Top Steakhouses (I’ve been to most of the top 10 in Tokyo) graded A3 with occasional A4. Here in America, it seems that everyone pushes the higher “A5 BMS (beef marbling score) 12 (out of 12)” which doesn’t mean higher quality or better taste, it just means more fat.
In Japan, "A5" is not that common, this is more of a western steak geared toward westerners who think that more marbling is better. I hate to say it, but it's not true despite the marketing behind it. I would much rather eat A4 for most occasions. (and will be releasing more A4 soon)
“So, how much is the right amount? I’m trying to plan for a dinner party?”
Japanese Wagyu, especially those in the "A5" grade is very rich when coming from the Striploin and Ribeye. A normal portion is 4-8oz with 8 being very rich. You can liken this to heavy cream or whipping cream, or butter, of foie gras. Yes, it’s tasty and high in fat, but you could drink a lot more milk than heavy cream.
So, A few bites or oz of A5 is generally plenty.
I recommend diversifying and mixing in some of our leaner chefs cuts in the leaner variety for more chew, less fat, and more meatiness. Some leaner cuts include: inside skirt, flank, and flap.
Australian Wagyu that we carry is marbled in the "6-7" and "8-9" variety, which eats more like a "rich" western-style steak. Considering "3" on this scale is about the range of prime, 6-7 is a very rare, very highly marbled prime. So, gauge accordingly.
If you have any questions with regard to how much to purchase, we are here to assist you.
As a general rule,
4-8oz - A5
6-9 oz A4
A3 and below + Australian, 10-14oz.
Keep in mind, that Japanese BBQ is often eaten more cooked than medium rare; the thin-cuts are cooked over a hot fire cooked medium to medium well often. This renders out the fat and keeps a juicy, tasty, tender morsel to be eaten with rice.